• Circling Hills Golf Course

    Phone:  (513) 367-5858

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  • Great Shots & Scores


    Jason Harris - 10/16/2021


    Hole #11  






    George Rezny - 9/28/2021


    Hole #18  






    Doug Coleman - 5/25/21


    Hole #6 146 Yards 7 Iron 

    (First hole-in-one at Circling in 2021)

    Doug made his hole-in-one playing in the Tuesday night Hack'n Divot league!





    Matt Bader - 12/15/20

    Hole #13 154 Yards 

    6 Iron 

    (A cold windy day for last hole-in-one at Circling in 2020)



    Troy Powell - 11/29/20

    Hole #18 

    145 Yards 

    Eight Iron 



    Chris Barnett - 11/14/20

    Hole #18 

    159 Yards 

    Seven Iron 


    Brian Moeves - 10/9/20

    Hole #2 

    130 Yards 

    Eight Iron 


    Andrew Daly - 7/9/20

    Hole #4 

    154 Yards 

    Nine Iron